Imgtag demo
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import uassist, ipyfilechooser, os
import ipywidgets as widgets
from uassist.imgtag import imgtag
from ipyfilechooser import FileChooser
The input is any JPEG or TIFF image. The package reads the metadata embedded in the file and returns the information relevant to photos taken as part of drone photogrammetry projects.
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fc = FileChooser(
path=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data/')),
filter_pattern = ['*.jpg', '*.tif', '*.JPG', '.TIF'],
show_only_dirs = False,
use_dir_icons = True,
select_default = True,
title = '<b>Select image file</b>'
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xyz = imgtag(fc.selected)
xy = (xyz[0],xyz[1])
m = uassist.Map(center=xy, zoom=15, google_map = "HYBRID")
marker = uassist.Marker(location=xy, draggable=False)
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Last update: 2021-05-07